- World Record - 145 Water Skiers behind one boat

25 years as a dream
6 years of planning
10 Attempts over 4 years
The 23 year old record of 100 is finally broken at 114
(after a very slow start).
From 154 starters, 108 finished.
From 154 starters, 145 finished the nautical mile.
The team achieved Gold, Silver and Bronze with runs towing 108, 114 and 145 skiers.
A whole raft of Tasmanian businesses supported the project.
Our sponsors have been a huge financial and practical help with this event.
These people have moved mountains:
World Heritage Cruises and the Grining Family (Owners of the boat "Eagle")
Tamar Marine
A whole raft of Tasmanian businesses supported the project.
Our sponsors have been a huge financial and practical help with this event.
These people have moved mountains:
World Heritage Cruises and the Grining Family (Owners of the boat "Eagle")
Tamar Marine
Allupright Scaffolding
Barry Hill Timbers
Bass Strait Transport
Bob the Builder
Boat Shack
Browns IGA Longford
Bruce Wilson Transport
CDP Networks
Coates Hire
Coca-Cola Amitil
Cosy Cabins Strahan
Creative Properties
Crescon Joinery
Cripps Newbake
Crisp Brothers
Crusty's Baker
De-Bruyn's Transport
Discovery Holiday Park Strahan
Fairbrother Construction
Get Smart Hair and Beauty
GP Glass
Hobson Engineering
Incat Crowther
James Glen
Jeff Clark Auto
Kentish Aquatic Club
Kenlyn Property Group
Leven Gourmet Meats
Mark Seaton Photographics
Meadowbank Water Ski Club
Mersey Sheet Metal
Mountain Dew Ice
Nichols Poultry
One Steel
Palmers Plumbing
Peter Broun Coolstores
Radford Harvesting
RFS Construction
Rock Property
Ron Morrison Helicopters
Strahan Helicopters
Strahan Police
Strong Ropes
Suncoast Express
Tasmanian Ambulance Service
Tasmanian Clothing Company
Treloar Transport
Web Seven
VMB Food Distribution
Williams Water Skis
* If your name is missing and you contributed in ANY way (large or small, on or off the water) PLEASE let us know.
We would love to include your name
Howard Addison
Esther Anderson
Gordon Angilley
Richard Arnot
Stuart Arnot
Lorraine Aspinall
Tony Aspinall
Sam Astell
Brad Aylett
Debbie Aylett
Tristan Aylett
David Baillie
June Baillie
Grant Barnes
* If your name is missing and you contributed in ANY way (large or small, on or off the water) PLEASE let us know.
We would love to include your name
Howard Addison
Esther Anderson
Gordon Angilley
Richard Arnot
Stuart Arnot
Lorraine Aspinall
Tony Aspinall
Sam Astell
Brad Aylett
Debbie Aylett
Tristan Aylett
David Baillie
June Baillie
Grant Barnes
Michelle Barnes
Robert Barnes
Lara Bean
Rodney Bean
Ryan Bean
Tania Bean
Toby Bean
Dot Bellchambers
Grenville Bellchambers
Andrew Bennett
Andrew Bennett (Snr)
David Bennett
Lynne Bennett
Madeline Bennett
Scott Bennett
Stuart Bennett
Sue Bennett
Thomas Bennett
Mathew Bentley
Carl Berggren
Kelley Berggren
Scott Berkner
Nick Bicanic
Wayne Boutcher
Mike Brickhill
Dayna Broun
Kathy Broun
Peter Broun
Wayne Bradford
Helen Brain
Martin Buggy
Linda Burgess
Sid Burgess
Stuart Burridge
Cameron Bush
Steve Bush
Jacinta Butler
John Butler
Lyn Butler
Erin Bye
Alyce Callander
Martin Campbell
John Campbell
Joanna Cane
Phil Canning
Alistair Capp
Helen Caville
John Caville
Tony Claringbold
Dan Clark
David Clark
Jeff Clark
Kate Clark
Matt Clark
Snow Clark
Kerrie Clark
Dianne Coon
John Corker
Jane Crosswell
Brett Crowther
Abbey Cruickshank
Ian Cruickshank
Vaughan Cruickshank
Ben Cunningham
Caleb Davies
Travis Davies
Nic Deka
Martin Dell
Steve Dell
John De-Bruyn
Ron Devine
Kathy Dobson
Mark Dobson
Peter Dutton
Clyde Eastaugh
Brett Eastley
Brian Edmunds
Ben Elliott
Nick Elmer
Steve Eustace
Ron Fair
Darryl Fehlberg
Kristian Fet
Colin Finch
Darryl Forward
Todd Foster
Debbie Francis
Peter Francis
David French
Rosemary French
Phil Gardam
Frank Gardner
Brad Garwood
Jim Gandy
Peter Gatwood
John Gerke
Darryl Gerritty
Trevor Giles
Roger Gill
David Gillespie
Kirby Gillespie
Lauren Gillespie
Chris Gregory
Don Grining
Guy Grining
Riley Grining
Sandra Grining
Sarah Grining
Troy Grining
Andrew Gurr
Emma Hall
Luke Hambleton
Zane Harman
Cameron Hammond
Phil Hawley
Wendy Hawley
Jenna Hayes
Kel Hazell
Barry Hill
Amy Hind
Greg Hind
Karen Hind
Peter Hind
Jan Hind
Kylen Homan
Lee Hudson
Mark Hurley
Shay Hurley
Tania Hurley
Terry Hurley
Brian Imlach
Ron Imlach
Jon Inglis
Maggie Inglis
Roger Janes
Adam Johnson
Dean Johnson
Doug Johnson
Gael Johnson
Haylee Johnson
Hayley Johnson
Shaun Johnson
Shelley Johnson
Annette Jones
Izaac Jones
Kirsten Jones
Simone Jones
Steve Kelly
Robert Kelty
Trudy Kingston
Amelia Knight
James Knight
Zoe Knight
John Knowles
Luke Lamprey
Lyn Laycock
Adam Lane
Chris Lane
Marguerite Lane
Rob Lane
Sam Langford
Jessica Last
Jackson Lee
Nigel Lee
Seaton Lewis
Alec Loane
Barbara Loane
Tim Lovett
Ross Lilley
Michael Ling
Simon Ling
Alec Loane
Barbara Loane
Doug Loane
Jason Lunn
Stephen Lunn
Tamika Lunn
John Magor
Bruce Mansfield
Andy Marshall
Jo Marshall
Sharon Marshall
Adelle Martin
Cheryl Martin
Craig Martin
Mateov Martin
Paul Maroney
Mark McDermott
Tahlia McDermott
Andrew McNab
Katrina McNab
Kent Medwin
Kurt Medwin
Doug Mee
Kristie Mee
Suzanne Menzie
Peter Milne
Bec Morgan
Jon Morgan
Alison Morice
Jaiceb Morice
Jamie Morice
Sherrydan Morice
Brendan Morrison
Ron Morrison
Stephen Morrison
Andrew Morse
Daniel Morse
Eddie Morse
Jaqui Morse
Justin Morse
Louise Morse
Brett Mountney
Thomas Mountney
Ashlee Mouritz
Bronwyn Munting
Rod Munting
Lucinda Murfet
Becky Murfett
Phil Murfett
Josh Nast
Mike Nesham
Sam Nicolson
Hazell Nutt
Drew Oakden
Marina Oakley
Rob O'Connor
Christine Overton
Justin Overton
Ken Overton
Naomi Overton
John Page
Tyler Page
Janelle Palmer
Nigel Palmer
Alex Pava
Calin Pava
Kevin Pearce
Dan Pfeiffer
Delcie Pfeiffer
Fred Pfeiffer
Shane Pinner
Garry Porter
Glenn Porter
Marek Porter
Tiffany Porter
Dale Prosser
Wade Purton
Peter Radford
Mitch Ranson
Ben Redman
Kathy Redman
Ron Redman
Sarah Redman
Michaela Redpath
Ron Redpath
Caitlyn Reid
Cameron Reid
Daniel Reid
Kim Reid
Kristy Reid
David Richards
Tim Richards
Jamie Richardson
Paula Richardson
Toby Richardson
Glenn Ridge
George Rigney
Caitlin Riley
Christine Riley
Dean Riley
Grining Riley
Nikeisha Riley
Rebecca Riley
Emma Russell
Scott Russell
Natalie Ryan
Michael Schnakenburg
Aaron Schouten
Emma Schouten
Nathan Schouten
Davin Scott
Gordon Scrim
Alexandra Seaton
Mark Seaton
Taylah Shadbolt
Chris Sheedy
Daniel Shephard
Steve Shephard
Sid Sidebottom
John Singleton
Karen Smith
Tim Smith
Adam Speight
Geoff Speight
Scott Springer
David Stallard
Steve Shephard
Adrian St.John
Justin Steele
Mike Strong
Mitchell Sullivan
David Tabart
Emily Tabart
Michael Tabart
Tania Tabart
Keona Tann
Darryl Taylor
Geoff Taylor
John Taylor
Kent Taylor
Kurt Taylor
Meryn Taylor
Raegan Taylor
Fred Tedeschi
Mark Templar
Melissa Templar
Grant Thurlow
Kerryn Thurlow
Nathan Thurlow
Cathy Timms
Ron Titley
Andrew Tonks
Tahnee Townsend
Chris Treloar
John Treloar
Dale Triffet
Matt Turner
Julie Tuthill
Kurt Tuthill
Liam Tuthill
Shauna Tuthill
Andrew van Rooyen
Dallas van Rooyen
Ben Vandervelde
Bob Vandervelde
Carol Vandervelde
Morgan West
Anthea White
Marion White
Nick Whybrow
Sam Willett
Gavin Williams
Leigh Williams
Bruce` Wilson
Clare Wilson
Jodee Wilson
Luis Wilson
Nic Wilson
Thomas Wilson
Gavin Wiliams
Jane Winkler
Ted Winkler
Barb Winspear
Geoff Winspear
Jane Winton
Brett Wood
Steve Woolway
John Young
Nic Youngman
The World Record Story
In 1983 a photo emerged at our Horsehead Water Ski Club showing the world record of 53 skiers behind one boat.
In 1988 a group of ski club members were skiing at Strahan on Tasmania's West Coast when a big fast ferry (James Kelly II)came past us. We all immediately wondered whether we could use that boat to set a
The World Record Story
In 1983 a photo emerged at our Horsehead Water Ski Club showing the world record of 53 skiers behind one boat.
In 1988 a group of ski club members were skiing at Strahan on Tasmania's West Coast when a big fast ferry (James Kelly II)came past us. We all immediately wondered whether we could use that boat to set a world record. We took photos of the back of the boat so we could work out how to attach a boom, but we couldn't get assistance from the boat designers in Perth WA and the idea went on hold.
In 2006 at Strahan I met Guy Grining, one of the owners of World Heritage Cruises and shared my dream with him.
I asked: "So if we bring a bucket full of people down here, you'll tow them with your boat?" The answer was "Yes" and planning began.
Our ski club took up the challenge and we formed a small committee which started to gather expertise, enthusiasm (and eventually some sponsorship). Skiers joined us from all over Tasmania. One flew down from Queensland and one even flew home from the UK, twice!
Our initial budget was $5000.
The committee eventually ended up spending over $100,000 in cash (excluding all the time and materials which were donated).
The previous record had stood at 100 for 24 years and withstood 5 attempts from all round the world.
Tasmania's attempts were as follows:
Attempt 1 Jan 2008
121 skiers started and the laminated timber boom broke.
A new boom was constructed overnight from gas pipeline
Attempt 2 Jan 2008
121 skiers started in very rough water and the new gas pipeline boom broke.
Attempt 3 Jan 2009
121 skiers
(with a new lightweight aluminium boom on floats)
Rope problems prevented
a start.
Attempt 4 Jan 2009
121 skiers.
Broken tow rope lead to
boom failure.
Attempt 5 Jan 2010
121 skiers started $70,000 heavy duty aluminium boom.
85 crossed the finish line
(15 short of the record)
Attempt 6 Jan 2010
121 skiers started
99 finished
(1 short of the record)
Attempt 7 March 2010 121 skiers started
95 finished
(5 short of the record)
Attempt 8 March 2010 121 skiers started
114 finished
A new world record!
Attempt 9 Jan 2012
154 skiers started
New props fitted
108 finished
Attempt 10 Jan 2012
154 skiers started
145 crossed the finish line
A second world record!
Having achieved Gold, Silver and Bronze (the 3 biggest pulls in history), the Tasmanian team has retired.
David Bennett
Family owned and operated since 1896.
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